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Treloar has the experience

Confused about how to vote responsibly for Spokane Public Schools district candidates? First, this is an unpaid, six-year term, policy governance board with four key responsibilities: Vision, Structure, Accountability and Advocacy.

Next, I recommend Googling Position #1 candidate Katey Treloar. Scroll to VoteBallot 411 to see her responses to questions on this League of Women Voter’s Education Fund’s Vote411 website for all candidates.

Katey’s responses come from her real world experiences as a teacher, collaborative community/school volunteer and mother of two children in our public schools. Each response from school safety and the need for more mental health wrap around services to funding advocacy at the state level also demonstrate her ability to participate fully and reasonably with the four key board responsibilities.

Katey Treloar will represent you well.

Bridget Piper


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