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Rural voting rights

Voting rights are a key to our democracy. In rural, or nontraditional rural residential address locations, this had led to voter suppression under some voting laws. Thankfully, the Washington Legislature is addressing this issue.

SBB 5079 just passed the Senate and will now be addressed in the House for approval. If passed, it is expected to be signed by the governor.

Language from SBB5079: “A nontraditional address consists of a narrative description of the location of the voter’s residence, and may be used when a traditional address has not been assigned or affixed to the voter’s residence or when a voter resides on an Indian reservation or Indian lands, pursuant to the conditions in RCW 29A.08.112.”

Sen. Shelly Short from the 7th Legislative District voted no on this bill. Obviously, Native American voting rights are not a priority. This would also be applicable to some of the residents who prefer to “live off the grid” or have their address not assigned by the USPS.

Robert W. Schutte


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