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More time, info needed on stadium

We need to take more time before making the final decision on Albi as people who voted for Albi didn’t know what it is going to be like other than the location. Most people who voted for Albi would rather see us take more time and make the correct decision as this information was not given before we voted. After obtaining all the information available and what the money will provide then decide what is the best for our athletes and Spokane.

The reason that we need to spend more time on Albi is to make sure the money we spend is put to the best use. Whenever additional information comes up, it should be considered. We shouldn’t get a disagreement on this as that is what the people would want. If we are still worried, let the people vote again with all the information needed to make the best choice. We don’t need to rush into this and regret it later. Albi can still be used for a couple more years. When we are building something this important a lot of time and thought should go into it. Rushing into making choices before getting all the facts is not the best way to operate. This is what is happening here. By not spending more time on this we will be losing more voters because they will see how we operate without getting all the information available to the voters.

I voted for Albi with the information given at that time, which seem to be the best way to go then. After giving more thought about it, the main use of Albi is for football. With Mead and Mount Spokane having their own fields now will eliminate a lot of games at Albi. If each of the city teams have five home games that would be 25 games played at Albi each year. To me this is an unreasonable cost for a Joe Albi Stadium. Everyone should give this more thought and become more involved. It is not too late to make the right decision.

Joe Schauble


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