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‘Cosmetic’ gun laws

This letter is written in response to “Strahan: Sensible gun laws will save lives” (Jan. 22):

I was reading about another attempt to pass gun control legislation in Washington state. Why do politicians keep trying the same things in a vain effort to get a different result?

Apparently, Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson sees this as an opportunity to “Virtue Signal” to citizens, showing that he is doing “something” to prevent gun violence. Why not go after the criminals that are responsible for this violence? Why not enforce the laws that are already in effect that would punish previously convicted felons caught with firearms? Instead of prosecuting criminals, passing what I call “cosmetic laws” may look good, but ultimately achieves no useful results.

Laws like this only affect citizens that obey the law. Criminals, of course, are not affected because they ignore the laws. That is why they are called “criminals”!

Ernest J. Chamberlain

Spokane Valley

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