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Letters for May 23, 2022


Regarding Jon Hall’s letter to the editor (“Elon gives us hope,” May 15), it’s all about perception and choices, I think.

I used to consider The Spokesman-Review very right-leaning, but in recent years find it more balanced.

There are columns and opinions I think are far right but, guess what, I don’t have to read them. So, the region’s residents do not have to “endure.” I won’t enumerate them here, but they actually have choices.

I’m surprised with Hall’s perception of the Spokesman as “notorious,” “grotesque” and with “hate speech spewed” that he would bother to send a letter to the editor of such a publication. And that he would think it would get published.

Barbara Hill


Big government

Big government has taken a new face lately. It is called the RNC, or it’s pseudonym meaning … Really Not Constitutionally driven.

For example, government is now banning certain books that might make white students feel uncomfortable, thus denying real history. Then we have a big government telling women their bodies won’t be under their control if they are pregnant. Also, voting rights are being restricted in many parts of the country.

The lifeblood of our democracy, draining.

Finally, we have seen the attempt to subvert the people’s vote in the last presidential election. Challenging fraud allegations were denied by 60-plus court cases around the country.

A very scary scenario for the 2024 election emerges – a repeat of the attempted coup of 2020.

A federal judge in recent ruling stated that the attack on our Capitol looked like “a blueprint for stealing the 2024 election.” An ultraconservative, Judge Luttig, made that statement.

Odd that the party that warned of big government intrusion in our lives a short time ago is becoming that. The RNC is no friend of democracy.

John Kavanagh


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