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Letter for Dec. 11, 2023

CMR contradicts herself with canned response

After petitioning Cathy McMorris Rodgers, asking her to help avert a government shutdown, she responded: “First, let me say that I agree with you. A government shutdown isn’t good for anyone… That being said, saddling the next generations with $33 trillion of debt is dangerous and irresponsible…”

Traveling internationally, I hastily responded: “OK, then, how about much greater taxing the rich, like here in Norway where I am right now, and where the country is running much more smoothly and people aren’t being suppressed from voting. I can’t take you at all seriously about saddling future generations with the debt until you’re willing to tax the rich rather than taking so much of their money in order to buy your elections…” (Of the 800 House candidates in 2022, she received 40% more than any other candidate – nearly $3 million – from political action committees.)

Her canned-message response completely avoided taxing the rich.

Contradicting herself, she thrice voted for Jim Jordan for House Speaker even though he’d certainly shut down the government at Donald Trump’s behest; Trump had already requested that of previous Speaker Kevin McCarthy. She also nominated new Speaker Mike Johnson, a Trump devotee.

Norm Luther


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