Summer Guide: A former Imagineer’s journey to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

Tomorrowland attractions cast member Lexi Thiede
What to do when you're at
Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge
Stores? Do you mean the marketplace?
Yes, you can get souvenirs. Make sure you have a lot of “credits” with you, which is what the locals will call money.

You want to see that hunk of junk?

For most Star Wars fans, one of the most beloved characters in the entire universe isn’t played by an actor. It doesn’t even talk. It’s the Millennium Falcon. And seeing a full-sized version of the only ship to make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs is the goal of nearly every visitor to the newest land at Disneyland. It’s when you ask someone who “lives” in this new land where to find Han Solo’s Corellian freighter that you get the “local’s” perspective. “Really? That ship is garbage, but if you really want to see it, head down this path.”
Coke has been at Disneyland since Day One, dating back to when Walt first opened the park in 1955. Yet there’s never been Coca-Colas like the ones only available inside the Galaxy’s Edge land. They’re orb-shaped sodas with an odd-looking script on the front that is as strange as it is familiar. They might even be illegal. At least on Batuu. The First Order tends to look down on civilians having “thermal detonators.” These contraband Cokes also are probably the coolest – and cheapest – souvenir available on this planet.

The food is out of this world. Literally.

You aren’t going to find a churro while visiting the Black Spire Outpost. You will find some popcorn, but it’s nothing like what you’ll find at Disneyland. Or any other theme park. That’s because this is food from a galaxy far, far away. Just check out the names of the dishes available at Docking Bay 7: Smoked Kaadu Ribs, Fried Endorian Tip-yip, Braised Shaak Roast and Ithorian Garden Loaf. They’re all good, even if you have no idea what you are actually eating. As for some popcorn, head over to Kat Saka’s Kettle in the bustling marketplace area. It’s colorful, sweet, spicy and not normally available on other planets.
It’s hard to come across the powerful crystals that help power a Jedi’s lightsaber, unless you’re making a visit to Batuu. Of course, you can get one — or several, depending on how many “credits” you’re willing to part with — by building a lightsaber at Savi’s Workshop. But if you visit to Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities and get either a Jedi or Sith holocron and take the kyber crystal out of your new lightsaber, some Forceful magic may or may not occur.

What are you transmitting?

If you see Rey – Jakku’s most likely Jedi and noted scavenger – while visiting Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland, you’re almost certainly going to want to take a photo with her. If you’ve ever dreamed of actually visiting one of the worlds in Star Wars, this is when the real fun begins. “Are you sending transmissions to help us recruit for the Resistance?” That’s how most interactions will go when you visit the Black Spire Outpost. If you see Kylo Ren and his Stormtroopers, they will try to confiscate your “transmitter” out of suspicion that you’re using it to communicate with the Resistance. And a meet up with General Leia’s master spy, Vi Moraldi, will be a lesson in interrogation. Especially if you’re trying to take a photos of her with your phone.
The Planet of Batuu
There aren’t many places in the Star Wars galaxy where the classic movie characters hang out with the newer characters from the cartoons, who also seem to be buddies with insider characters only in books and in the comics. That’s why a visit to a mostly bypassed outer-rim planet filled with sketchy smugglers and a resurging resistance movement, that has recently caught the attention of the First Order, is must-see destination for those who grew up on visions of Tatooine, while raising their own little padawans.

Looks a whole lot like Istanbul

The buildings of Star Wars often have such a distinct look. Domed roofs. Dramatic spires. Temples with columns, slanted sides and lots of juxtaposed perpendicular lines. It looks a lot like some ancient Earthly cities, like Istanbul, Turkey. Because it is. Designers of the original Star Wars movies often turned to Istanbul for inspiration, as did the architects for Galaxy’s Edge. The result is a world that feels both believable and fantastic, while layering together the timeworn with technology.
Can Jawas Get You a Better Deal on a Good Droid?
The Droid Depot looks exactly like the crude contraption cooperative you want from Star Wars. This is where you can build a custom, remote-controlled R2 or BB unit droid. It’s going to run you $99. But what if want something a little more authentic? Like, say, a full-size and functional R2D2? Well, if you have $25,000, the next question is do you want a new unit or something a little more battleworn? Shipping not included.

Blue Milk on a Hot Day

You’ve long wondered what the blue milk Luke Skywalker drinks tastes like. And is it worth $8 when it’s 90 degrees in Anaheim or Batuu? Well, it’s a cold drink. You can get green milk, as well. It’s actually non-dairy. It’s a plant-based blend of coconut and rice milks. This milk has a consistency similar to smoothie. The blue milk tastes a bit like berries and melon, while the green milk is a little more tropical with herbal hints.
Free-range characters
If you’re wondering where to go so you can meet Chewbacca and get a photo with your favorite Wookie, you can keep wondering. The characters from Star Wars aren’t on display here. They live here. They walk around the park all day. They work on ships that are broken. They look for a place to eat. They also are ready for you to talk with them. Just know that you’re not talking to someone in a Chewie costume, you’re talking to the real Chewbacca. Characters with the Resistance are more easily found in their part of the land. Walk over to where the X-Wing is being worked on. If you really have the need to see the First Order, walk past Oga’s Cantina and head over to the docked TIE echelon ship. But the characters truly are all over the new land.


Even in Mos Eisley, finding a real lightsaber is tough. And it will cost you. Same goes for getting Obi Wan’s weapon of choice when visiting the Black Spire Outpost in Disneyland. One of the most desired souvenirs and experiences at Galaxy’s Edge is a visit to Savi’s Workshop to build your own custom lightsaber. It’s an immersive moment that is as magical as it is pricey. You need a reservation, at least 200 credits (if you know what we mean), as well as a healthy faith in the Force. Is it worth it? Absolutely, but patience you must have.
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