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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Help make bicycling count in Spokane

We need you. Yes, you.

The Cascade Bicycle Club is conducting another Bike and Pedestrian Count from September 25th-27th at various locations in Spokane and volunteers are needed to help with transportation planning by collecting usage counts.

If you are interested and able to volunteer for two hours between 7:00 to 9:00 AM or 4:00 to 6:00 PM, on September 25, 26 or 27, please sign-up for a shift here. The website will only allow you to sign up for shifts on September 25, but please know that you can conduct the count on any one of the three dates you prefer (you’ll just write the date you choose on your count form).

Since 2008, Cascade Bicycle Club, on contract through the Washington State Department of Transportation, has enlisted hundreds of volunteers each September and October to count bicyclists and pedestrians in dozens of communities around the state. This year, they are recruiting volunteers to conduct counts in 40 communities around Washington.

Collecting data about bicycling and walking is critical to improving transportation systems to support these modes. Compared to other transportation modes, bicycling and walking have historically received little attention when it comes to data collection and analysis, so please sign up for a shift HERE

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.