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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Going Mobile

RV merch is everywhere and we want it all

Want proof that more people are aspiring to live life on the road in a tiny home on wheels? Walk into about any store and you'll find some sort of merchandise that plays off the theme.

Whether it's banners declaring "home is where you park it" to pencil sharpeners shaped like a retro trailer, it seems as if RV merch is a hot trend. Search Amazon for "RV gifts" and get ready for an avalanche of more than 20,000 items including trailer-shaped cutting boards, wine glasses etched with "RV there yet?" and adorable salt and pepper shakers that look like a vintage Shasta camper

We're always on the lookout, so check out the slideshow of a few cute finds we've spotted during our travels. Anything speak to you?

Leslie Kelly
Leslie Kelly is a freelance writer.