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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice

Feel free to double-check this

Back before the turn of the century, a reader shared an observation.

He said the University of Washington and Washington State University are farther apart than any other similar pairing in the nation.

I can't recall how exhaustively I fact-checked that. But if you have some time on your hands, you might take a stab at it.

As I recall, this pertains only to pairings involving a University of (name of the state) and (name of the state) State University. Branch campuses using any other naming convention (such as one might find in, say, California) do not count.

P.S. Actually, I suspect the state of Idaho refutes this assertion. But I'll have to look it up. Maybe the Gem State holds the record, not Washington.

The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.