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The Slice: Can you keep it down over there?

 Just the bear necessities on road trips. 
 (The Spokesman-Review)

THIS IS GOING to get a few noses out of joint. And it will make me seem guilty of classic Spokane-style babbittry. But with outdoor activity about to spike, I’ve got to ask. Is it an unfair slander, or do renters really make more noise?

“ Help spread the rumor that there’s more to Washington than Mount Rainier and the Space Needle: Washington’s commemorative state quarter won’t come out until 2007. But kids with ideas about what should be on that coin should act now.

Go to /quarter and submit your graphic design concept. Click on “Submissions Process.”

The deadline is July 30.

Apples? Wheat? Bing? You make the call.

Back in March of 2000, a Slice reader suggested that putting an image of George Washington on the state-symbols side of the coin would give the Evergreen State’s quarter a distinctive “heads or heads” identity.

“ Slice answer (kids’ reactions to the art bears): You know Slug Bug (aka Punch Buggy), that game where car passengers look for Volkswagens? Well, Nola Barrett’s almost 13-year-old daughter, Michaela, has turned spotting the fund-raising bruin sculptures into a similar competition.

Her 6-year-old brother Marcus is one of the most enthusiastic competitors. He can be heard yelling, “Left bear — No tag-backs! Right bear — No tag-backs!”

Let’s review: Scars on Spokane’s psyche are nothing new. What’s your “favorite”? Here’s one of mine.

Back in the summer of 1997, several forward-thinking community activists established the Lilac Bicycle program. Modeled after successful efforts in other cities, the idea was to provide public-access bicycles that people could use free of charge.

Joe Public would ride a bike from Point A to Point B. Then Jane Public would ride it from Point B to Point C. You know, sharing.

Well, inside two weeks the 50 purple bikes were gone. Some were hurled into the Spokane River by vandals. Others just disappeared.

And a lot of people found themselves shaking their heads.

Six years later, someone comes up with “Near nature/Near perfect” as a civic slogan.

Animal house: Grace Bostrom took her 7-year-old grandson, Dylan, to a pet store. He loved it.

“I wish I had 2,000 pets and none of them pooped,” he said.

Actually, there are some people in Spokane who have come close to fulfilling the first half of that wish — none licensed, of course. As for the second half, well, isn’t that what neighbors’ yards are for?

Warm-up question: If “The Simpsons” was going to make fun of a Northwest city’s name, do you wish it had been Spokane instead of Eugene?

Today’s Slice question: What’s your personal record for most special occasion presents (weddings, showers, anniversaries, et cetera) bought in one month?

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