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The Slice: Don’t they know how much I snore?

Road projects can be scary if you are on two wheels, but it could be worse.
 (The Spokesman-Review)

LET’S START WITH an update. After soliciting “Come camping with us” invitations, I received several kind offers. Thanks to all. My plans to venture into the woods this summer are taking shape even as we speak. Now on with the countdown.

Slice answer: Angela Roth saw the question about the coolest signs. And she reported that she liked a North Side veterinary clinic’s heart/paw logo so much that she got that image tattooed on her shoulder.

It turns out that the graphic in question is an image used by a chain that used to own the clinic. But since that vet’s office recently changed hands, the heart/paw thing will no longer be part of the picture.

The tattoo lives on, however.

Speaking of signs: Moscow’s Pete Haggart recently encountered the road work in downtown Spokane. It prompted him to write.

“Now admit it, when you first saw a sign reading ‘Motorcycles Use Extreme Caution,’ wasn’t your first thought to look around for hordes of motorcycles bearing down on you or perhaps some outlaw bikers waiting at the next corner?”

Which leads to …

The Slice’s favorite biker movie titles:

1. “Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town.” 2. “Angel Unchained.” 3. “I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle.” 4. “She Devils on Wheels.” 5. “And Then You Die.” 6. “Werewolves on Wheels.” 7. “The Glory Stompers.” 8. “The Peace Killers.” 9. “Cycle Savages.” 10. “Under Hot Leather.”

Middle name stories: Kimberly Middleton’s son, Brandon, has Hoss for a middle name.

“Yes, after Hoss Cartwright,” she wrote.

She insisted he’s OK with it. And because he has relatives also named Brandon, it has come in handy as a back-up moniker.

Any families out there with a complete set of “Bonanza” middle names? “Little Joe” could be good. And how about Chip and Ernie? Oh, wait. Wrong show.

Melissa Mangano’s parents wanted to pay tribute to two members of the extended family. So the Ferris High senior’s full name is Melissa Gayle Gail Mangano.

The summer she’s comin’ on strong: Yes, it’s time again for an installment of Poetry Corner. Today’s featured artist is the late Randy California. And the following excerpt is from the lilting “I Got a Line on You.”

Let me take you, baby

Down to the riverbed

Got to tell you something

Go right to your head

I got a line on you, baby

Know Your City: The “Billy Jack” movies were huge, huge hits here decades ago. So? So maybe Spokane is especially into revenge.

Warm-up question: What lesson about humanity can be gleaned from watching airline passengers stow things in the overhead storage bins?

Today’s Slice question: How many people drive vehicles that are too big to fit in their garages?

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