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The Slice: There’s a reason we love it here

Since my elderly parents moved to Spokane from New England five years ago, a long list of people have shown them one kindness after another.

I wish I could thank each and every individual in person.

I had said Spokane is a good place. But these nurses, cashiers and neighbors are the ones who proved it.

“Slice answers (Best and worst things about Spokane International Airport): “The best: Proximity to and quick access from downtown,” wrote Ted Redman. “The worst: Susceptibility to fog delays.”

“The best: The fellow at the parking lot toll booth who says, ‘Welcome home,’ ” said Lawrence Killingsworth. “The worst: It was built on a fog plain.”

The best: It’s easy to get to the airport and it’s easy to get to your gate, said Dean Hofmeister. The worst: The food and the PA systems.

Mike George said short security lines for Alaska/Horizon flights is one of the best things.

Dora-Faye Hendricks said the spiral access ramp in the parking garage is one of the worst.

Bob Curry gave a thumbs-up to the raised speed limit on the access road.

And several readers praised the people who work there.

“Old enough to vote: It’s kind of a kick when the emissions tester can’t stop praising your 18-year-old car.

“Slice answer (Has your house ever been accidentally shot by hunters?): “When our float home on Coeur d’Alene Lake was dilapidated and literally sinking, the holes caused by bird shot were not a large concern,” wrote Bruce Plewman. “But eight years ago in the spring, after a new float and some massive renovation, we found holes in the new vinyl siding. Now, every year before goose hunting begins, we wrap the entire house in plywood. Between September and May it looks like a large, floating box.

“This works because every spring we find bird shot on the deck that has bounced off the plywood.”

And Andrew Sawatzki responded with a question of his own: “Should homes in forests be painted in hunter’s orange?”

“Pet Names Department: Cheney’s Kathy Preble has friends with a pet bunny named Rabbit E. Lee.

And another reader told about his friends owning a Pomeranian dog named “Kitty.”

“Rewriting history: “My 6-year-old grandson, Evan, was recently introduced to some new kinds of vegetables,” wrote Alice Love of Mead.

This might explain why he recently informed his mother that the Pilgrims arrived in a ship called the Cauliflower.

“Speaking of things that aren’t quite right: Lynn Walker initially misread a recipe for gluten-free gravy, thinking a key ingredient was “turkey droppings.”

And Carrie Webbenhurst told about a grade-schooler who said those spearlike projections Revolutionary War soldiers fixed to the ends of rifles were called “bassinets.”

“Today’s Slice question: TV on or off during dinner?

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