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Huckleberries: ‘Tis the season for a little North Idaho rhyme time

In honor of Election Day ‘06, Huckleberries hands over this space today to punster/rhymer extraordinaire John Austin, who recasts an old classic for your reading pleasure. Here’s “The Night Before Election Day”:

“‘Twas the night before the election/when all through the county,/while voters sought direction,/the pols sought their bounty.

“Liberals were hung/by their platform with care,/In hopes that more Democrats/soon would be there.

“They nestled, they did,/all snug in their beds,/While visions of taxes/danced new in their heads.

“Their mammas nearby,/they tried to relax./Waiting to see,/what new could they tax?

“When out on the lawn/there arose such a clatter,/A sign had been stolen,/but, oh, would it matter?

“Away to the window/they flew like a flash,/Tore open the shutters/and threw up the sash.

“When, what to their wondering/eyes should appear,/But a group of scared people,/shedding Republicans’ tears.

“They knew in an instant,/it was the far right./For we live in Idaho,/not a liberal in sight.

“From the top of the platform,/they heard the R’s call:/”Now dash away! Democrats!/Dash away all!”

“Down, Brady! Down, Grant!/the election needs fixin’/On, Otter! On Sali!/This ain’t Mason-Dixon.

“Butch Otter himself,/whilst he hid out of sight,/Said “Republicans save me!/Oh, please, Tuesday night!”

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