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The Slice: There’s scary, and then there’s scary

It’s time to begin mulling Halloween costume themes inspired by local personalities and Spokane news events.

The problem is that almost all of the ones that come to mind are in dreadfully bad taste.

Think about it.

See what I mean?

Let’s move on.

“Slice answers: “So I only have three fake joints (two metal, one cadaver bone), but being 24 should get me a few extra points, eh?” wrote Katie Delderfield. “Going through airport security is super-fun, as no one believes a 24-year-old has fake hips. I get pat-downs like you wouldn’t believe – makes me want to ask, ‘Um, aren’t you supposed to buy me dinner first?’ “

Judy Kight wrote about a colleague. “I would like to nominate Wes Graham, PE teacher extraordinaire at Mead High School, for the man with the most metal detector-triggering parts. He has five screws holding his left foot together, an artificial right hip, and an artificial left knee.”

Kight said Graham’s motto is “Look what fitness has done for me.”

“Still more on tweaking fortune cookie fortunes: “While I had always used ‘In bed’ to end my fortune cookies, my husband chooses to say ‘In my pants,’ ” wrote Karli Woltering. “I used to find this habit annoying. But justice was served when he read his fortune stating ‘Happiness is the little things…’

“The look on his face was priceless. I, however, couldn’t stop laughing.”

“A plausible explanation for buying Halloween candy this early: “We would go bankrupt if we waited,” wrote Alise McDowell of Moses Lake.

She said her family has to buy mass quantities of candy and prefers to spread out the treat-purchase outlays.

Last Halloween, they lost count after 350 trick-or-treaters.

“Today’s train travel memory: Back in the 1940s, when Wallace’s Rick Barth was 3, his mom took him by rail from Connecticut to Florida to see his grandparents. On the way, she told him all about getting a suntan on the beach, et cetera.

“Not being the shy type, I stuck up a conversation with a black man who was sitting in front of us,” wrote Barth. “My mom tuned in to our small talk just in time to hear me tell the man what a nice tan he had.

“Fortunately, he had a great sense of humor.”

“Warm-up question: Who is the pickiest eater in the Spokane area?

“Today’s Slice question: Who around here has the highest percentage of his or her meals in restaurants?

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