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The Slice: The Emmy goes to … The Daily Bugle

In the has-its-moments 2007 movie, “Knocked Up,” a group of slacker housemates occasionally take a break from smoking weed to spend time on their get-rich scheme.

The idea? It’s a Web site indexing the nude scenes of mainstream movie stars. Using their site, you could pinpoint just where in certain films Ann-Margret, Helen Hunt or Rosanna Arquette appear without benefit of blouse.

Actually, I think they focused on younger performers. But you get the picture.

These oddly likable goofballs eventually discover that other Internet entrepreneurs have already come up with this plan.

Too bad for them. But that whole notion did give me an idea.

I’d like to compile a comprehensive list of old movies and TV shows that include scenes of people interacting with newspapers.

It would be a long one. The “Perry Mason” section might include a few hundred citations all by itself.

OK, just to be clear, I am not referring to movies or shows about newspapering. There are plenty of those. They aren’t what interest me, though.

I’m talking about films that include scenes depicting papers simply as an accepted part of everyday life.

Sure, old black-and-white films featuring crusading city editors and dogged reporters have a certain nostalgic appeal to someone in my business — even those of us too young to remember the smoky “Stop the presses!” era. But what I really enjoy is seeing scenes in which having a newspaper in your hands is just part of being an adult.

The Daily Bugle doesn’t usually have much to do with the story. It’s just background.

But it’s fair to infer that it matters to the movie character holding it.

And here’s the thing. I really like seeing newspaper readers.

So anyway, you can help me with my little project. I’m going to start a file. If you see a movie or TV show depicting someone with a newspaper, send me a note. I’ll add your sighting to my list.

Be on the lookout for scenes showing …

Men in suits crossing busy big-city streets with a paper tucked under their arms.

Guys reading sports sections in diners.

Cereal eaters looking at newspapers at breakfast.

Couples reading papers in bed.

Commuters looking at newspapers on trains or subway cars.

Ward Cleaver trying to enjoy a moment’s peace.

Janet Leigh hiding the money.

Job applicants carrying a rolled-up morning edition as they stride purposefully into a business.

Kids on the living room floor reading the comics.

People in bathrobes doing crosswords.

A husband scanning a column and calling out, “Hey, Madge, listen to what this clown has to say today.”

•Today’s Slice question: When Air Force retirees encounter each other in civilian life is it possible to ignore their former ranks?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail One reader said the key to successful potty training is bribery.

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