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The Slice: Did that splash of slush leave a big impression?

Let’s start with a little multiple-choice.

Describe your most recent drive-by slush splattering: A) Hilarious. B) Tsunamic. C) Gut-shot. D) Measured in kilotons. E) “Oh, the humanity.” F) Not applicable. G) Other.

•Just wondering: You know how there are cities, neighborhoods or commercial districts where people say, “Boy, you should have been here back in the day”?

Well, does anyone ever say that about Spokane? I can see someone getting nostalgic about Nat Park, The Crescent or Expo ’74. But are those sorts of things enough to constitute a heyday?

Perhaps this just means Spokane is looking ahead, and we’re focused on our perpetually touted potential and shared future.

Or maybe it’s just not in our nature to express satisfaction, whether we’re talking about the past or the present – “Near perfect” notwithstanding.

•Hillyard jokes: Though they have been few and far between in The Slice over the years, and almost invariably have been offered by Hillyard residents themselves, I am hearing that this brand of humor is mean and hurtful. That’s not my intention.

So I am, as they say, taking it under advisement.

For those of you in Hillyard, that means I’ll wind up doing whatever suits me.

•You provide the punch line: How many South Hill residents does it take to screw in a light bulb?

•One of the highlights of winter: Here at The Slice, it is receiving e-mails from people describing how next-door neighbors aimed the snow-blower spout directly at their house.

•Where the West begins, continued: Several readers noted that the eastern edge of the Mountain time zone might qualify.

But there’s more to this than simple geography, said Lan Hellie. He noted that Montana is east of Washington but feels more western. Likewise, Eastern Washington seems more western than the West Side.

•Re : The thing that one guy said: I heard from readers who were born here and insist that they definitely do not hate Spokane.

But another suggested that a mild form of self-loathing is sewn into the local fabric. He blamed Seattle/Portland envy.

•Warm-up question: If someone wanted an autographed photo of you, what would you write on it besides your name?

•Today’s Slice question (for newcomers who cook): Is there a recipe that used to work elsewhere but hasn’t produced the desired results when you tried it here?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Robert Prater said any compilation of Northwest songs to be presented to the president-elect should include Pearl Jam’s “Unemployable.”

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