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The Slice: Living underground can be cool

Today’s topic is Basement Living.

Not everyone in the Spokane area resides in a dwelling that includes a subterranean level. But when the weather gets hot and stays hot, those who do live in homes with basements have been known to seek refuge downstairs. The following questions are designed to explore your lifestyle knowledge of that land down under.

1) What do you not want to hear someone say while you are in the basement?

A) “It’s so cool down here, I think I just saw a spider wearing a sweater.” B) “I know there’s no bathroom down here, but I have an idea.” C) “If we’re all down here, who is that walking around upstairs?” D) “The cat just ran upstairs but I think she burned up on re-entry.”

2) Spend enough time in the basement and sooner or later someone is going to start talking about what kind of movies?

A) Submarine. B) Tornado. C) Mole. D) Movies about young adults who still live with their parents. E) Movies with titles like “Don’t Go Down There!” or “The Thing from the Fuse Box Room.”

3) How bright and cheerful is your basement?

A) Remember that pit in “Silence of the Lambs”? B) Dungeonesque. C) Medieval. D) Our cellar’s motto is “C’mon, get happy!”

4) What should people yell down to those who have been in the basement for a long time?

A) “Knock it off!” B) “You can’t handle the truth!” C) “How’s it going in your underground lair?” D) “Everything OK in the Bat Cave?”

5) What does it feel like when you head back upstairs?

A) A mistake. B) Like stepping into a Tennessee Williams play. C) Two degrees hotter with each stair step. D) Like there ought to be a sign saying, “I’d Turn Back If I Were You.”

Today’s Slice question: What’s the 16th best thing about Spokane?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail There will not be a Marmot Lodge meeting this summer.

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