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The Slice: Still got a ticket to ride

Slice readers have saved ticket stubs from Beatles concerts, World Series games and countless events here in Spokane.

Tom Zysk made a collage from his collection.

Mary Drew uses hers as bookmarks. “Sometimes years later I come upon them and remember the extraordinary symphony performance back in 1988 or the opera in 1993 where the sets collapsed in Act III,” she wrote.

“When my grand-niece inherits my library I expect she will enjoy finding them too.”

In it for the long haul: According to her onboard computers, cyclist Lynn Creager has put 35,748 miles on her Hampsten road bike. But she’s quick to note, “I think there are plenty of nuts in Spokane with more miles than me.”

And thanks to decades of coaching, watching his kids and now grandkids, Gary Wentling estimates that he has spent 30,000 hours observing youth sports.

Slogans: “Cheney: We’re off the freeway but, hey, at least we’re on a bus line.” – Kelly Reinlasoder

“Spangle: Near Bill’s Service.” – Scott Brunell

“Marcus: Nearly Lost.” – Mack Stanhope

“South Perry: Where 50 percent of the cars parked on the street are facing the wrong way.” – Amy Mickelson

“Grand Coulee: Dam near.” – Diane Canady

Beer me: Bill Fields remembers his Texas grandfather drinking Pearl Lager many years ago.

Fields was known as “Billy Wayne” in those days.

No soap: Ina Redd had a question about her new laundry detergent. So she phoned the customer service number on the container. But she misdialed and heard something about “hot, horny girls.”

Today’s Slice question: What percentage of those claiming to have swine flu are, in all likelihood, wrong?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail For previous Slice columns, see columnists. Dave Swett honed his batting skills by hitting horse chestnuts with a broom handle.

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