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The Slice: Let’s call it your Year of the Slice

I hear it over and over.

“I meant to send you something.”

People say that to me in grocery stores, out on the sidewalk and in public restrooms.

Naturally, I’m pleased that they read or at least are aware of my column. But it’s frustrating, too. Because I would have liked seeing those stories.

So today, at the start of a new year, let me issue an invitation.

If you are a Slice reader who has never submitted an anecdote or observation or shared your answer to a Slice question with me, please consider making 2010 the year that you do so.

I can understand being hesitant. Many of my correspondents had to overcome trepidation before calling or sending an e-mail. I get it. If our roles were reversed, I would feel the same way.

But I think I can honestly say the worst thing that can happen is your idea for a column item might not make it into print.

I try to acknowledge signed submissions, though my record isn’t perfect. And I’ll admit I occasionally fall behind on returning phone calls.

Still, if you are worried that I am going to be bored, dismissive or brusque, please find someone who has contacted me in the past and ask that person about his or her experience.

I’ve been doing this since 1992 and I have told individual readers to go to blazes less than a dozen times.

If you’re worried about having your name appear in print, well, what can I tell you. Most survive.

Of course, it is your absolute right to remain on the sidelines if you wish. No hard feelings. Surveys indicate you are in the majority.

But I have a special regard for those who take the leap and contact me, especially those who keep in touch even after I didn’t print their initial submissions.

Give or take a few vacation weeks, there will be almost 300 Slice columns in 2010. I’d love to see you in one of them.

Today’s Slice question: Should the Cougars have been granted one more play in that Rose Bowl game against Michigan?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Good luck with that weight-loss resolution.

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