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The Slice: That Zag sweatshirt might not cut it at job interview

Many Slice readers have been dressing themselves for years.

But that doesn’t mean some of us can’t still benefit from a bit of friendly advice.

So, with the official start of autumn on the horizon, here’s a quick tutorial on the Inland Northwest’s No. 1 seasonal fashion quandary: Sweater or sweatshirt?

Here are 10 fashion scenarios followed by The Slice’s helpful lifestyle tips.

1. Raking leaves: Sweatshirt. It’s way easier to brush leaves and leaf pieces off a sweatshirt. They can stick to sweaters as if Velcroed. Of course, that can be an appealing fall look if your real intention is to look adorable.

2. Throwing a football in the park: Sweatshirt. This is especially true if you have a connection to a certain college and have a sweatshirt trumpeting that relationship. The older the garment, the better.

3. Wedding or funeral: Sweater. Hey, you want to be classy don’t you? And try to select one that doesn’t have holes in the elbows.

4. Picking fruit: Tie. You make the call. The key is that you select a loose-fitting item of apparel. In a snug top, all that reaching can lead to immodest or unflattering clinging.

5. Formal dinner: Sweater. But no gingerbready decorated Christmas sweaters until after Thanksgiving.

6. First date: Sweater. Unless, of course, you have yet to discover the sweater that doesn’t make you perspire like a plow horse (not a good look). Another option might be the layered approach. You know, two T-shirts.

7. Second date: Sweatshirt. Maybe the one that says “College” or the one that says “Area Man.”

8. Any activity involving fish, bait or certain soft cheeses: Sweatshirt. You will want to be able to later wash on “Hot.”

9. Hike or bike ride: Sweatshirt. Unless attending a wedding or funeral will be part of your outing.

10. Job interview: Depends. How will you dress at work if you land the job? Let that be your guide. In Spokane, we’re probably talking sweatshirt.

Today’s Slice question: After you have been stood up, what excuse are you willing to accept?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Liking just half of a married couple is not unusual.

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