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The Slice: Square root of 2012? Send in your answer

As you know, Spokane will host the 61st National Square Dance Convention in 2012.

This summer, the 60th convention will be held in Detroit. Apparently “Great Lakes, Great Dancing” will grace banners at that upcoming gathering.

As slogans go, that seems a bit uninspired. More troubling, though, is the prospect that the theme of the event here will be “Circulate in Washington State.”

Um, I don’t wish to be rude. But might I just say that I am sure Slice readers could do better.

(That’s a hint to send me your ideas.)

Let’s do-si-do on.

A lot of people in radio and TV change their names but most don’t become legends: Today is the late Edward R. Murrow’s birthday. The storied broadcaster’s real first name was Egbert. His middle name was Roscoe.

Monday contest: I’ll pass along a coveted reporter’s notebook to the reader who can, in 30 words or less, tell the story of the gargoyles adorning the Chronicle side of the newspaper building downtown.

Why are they there? What are they doing? Do they have names? Should you fear them?

Or approach it however you want.

Feel free to take plenty of creative license.

In addition to the notebook, the winner will be invited to come check out the ’goyles in person.

Just wondering: Do you laugh when encountering the expression “Spokane celebrity”?

Following up on an item from last week: Irene Silverman said anyone unfamiliar with referring to Idaho’s Panhandle as “The Chimney” should check out the map-like chimney outside the State Motel in Coeur d’Alene.

Warm-up question: For how long after replacing your keyboard do you continue to exert extra force on the one key that used to stick on the old keyboard?

Today’s Slice question: Ever left home early in the morning and, after noting that you had forgotten your music player or radio, realized that not having your earphones in allowed you to rediscover the fact that the natural world provides a soundtrack all its own?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; email The Waterford changing its name to Touchmark doesn’t seem like a terrific idea.

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