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The Slice: No. 1 on the list: Your replies

Here’s a sampling of answers to last Tuesday’s invitation-only vat o’ questions.

“Not only do I read lists, Paul, I make lists almost every morning,” wrote Nancy Chevigny-Dahlke.

“Of course I read lists – especially in your column,” wrote Nancy Avery. “You just never know when your name might show up.”

“I list everything,” said Nancy Weitz.

On the uplifting sight of a kid carrying a band instrument, Sue Hille said it makes her envision “cultural enrichment and solace as a child faces the frantic pace of a frenetic world.”

Sue Swanson knows a former school musician who grew up to be an outstanding young adult. “So, when I see Tuba Boy trudging up a hill, I wonder about his future contributions.”

And Charlotte Sue Thacker said a kid carrying an instrument is a sign that there is goodness in the world.

Beth Bollinger said that high heels can make a couple of statements: “If just a little high, with a business outfit: You can be both incredibly competent and able to show a little feminine flair too. If really high: Ouch!”

Jane McDonald said the Janes she knows tend to be in their sixties.

Regarding a certain mark of punctuation, Lisa Thompson wrote, “I really hate multiple exclamation points!!!”

Laura Tolin said her lasagna would be one of the signature dishes if she operated a restaurant.

Cindi John would want Hilary Swank to play her in a movie. Cindie Webb would choose Kathy Bates.

And to improve basketball, John Danforth would eliminate the 10-second rule for getting the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt.

“There aren’t two officials on the planet that can accurately count to 10 in that situation, particularly when the defense is putting pressure on the ball.”

The Slice recommends: If you are one of those people who think all workplace safety regulations are a bunch of baloney, you might benefit from watching “American Experience” tonight on PBS.

Today’s Slice question: What’s your favorite nonheartbreaking story about moving to a different state with pets?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Sometimes knowing a person’s favorite classic rock band explains a lot.

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