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The Slice: Something to talk about for your 2011

Let me propose a few Spokane slang verbs for 2011.

“Expode.” To burden with unreasonable expectations.

“Marm.” To simultaneously project cuteness and skepticism.

“Berm.” To do or say something that turns a civil discussion into a polarized argument.

“Zig.” To express a lack of interest in GU basketball.

“Siad” (pronounced See-odd). To badger someone into giving you a ride to the airport even though you could easily afford to drive yourself and leave your car out there for the short time you will be gone.

Looking ahead to EWU’s big football game: The University of Delaware’s sports teams are called the …

A) Blue Meanies. B) Blues Magoos. C) Blue Man Group. D) Blue Hens. E) Blue Velvets. F) Blue Moons. G) Blue Periods. H) Blue Boys. I) Blue Mondays. J) Blue Oyster Cult. K) Bleu Cheeses.

The correct answer is D. Though years ago, when Delaware was about to play Montana, a friend’s young son thought the team was known as the Blue Chickens.

What Spokane would be like if everyone here who ardently admires Portland suddenly moved there: “It would be a paradise in the same way as ‘Stepford Wives’ was a paradise for a few,” wrote Marsha Marcuson.

Old business: Several readers answering the question about the ideal Northwest snack to leave for Santa suggested a hearty regional beer.

Of course, after downing a few thousand of those, he might not be fit to fly.

Re: Dan Fogelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne”: “One of my favorite holiday songs,” wrote Jerry Cartwright.

Not everyone agrees. “My daughter (19 and wise) thinks it’s the cheesiest song she ever heard and likes to laugh when I get all melancholy about it,” Cartwright added.

One request: If your family is enlarged today by the addition of a New Year’s newborn, please don’t name the kid Snowpants, Webcam or Eleven.

On the other hand, if you want to name a new pet Spokanimal, go right ahead. You could call it Spokey for short.

Today’s Slice question: What headline do you hope to read in the S-R this year?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail If sometime in 2010 I said I was going to get back to you and failed to do so, please accept my apology.

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