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The Slice: Readers’ chance to raise stink

Let’s dive into some column feedback.

Slice reader Mike Storms challenged last week’s assertion that the mimeograph machine was superseded by the computer. He argued that other printing/copying technologies replaced it first.

And Ken Oaks said that, in any event, it wasn’t the mimeograph that produced the telltale odor. “The machine that produced this smell was in fact a ditto machine,” he wrote.

Also, several readers took issue with Sunday’s reference to falling like a “Les Nessman turkey.”

Most respondents enjoyed recalling the famous episode of “WKRP in Cincinnati” featuring the ill-fated turkey drop narrated by the shaken radio newsman. But a few readers said it really ought to be an “Arthur ‘Big Guy’ Carlson turkey,” in honor of the station boss who came up with the idea for the disastrous promotion.

(Though Coeur d’Alene’s Cindy Matthews, among others, did confirm the merit of pointing out the danger of traversing slippery hardwood floors while wearing just socks on your feet.)

Referring to an item in Saturday’s Slice, Wayne Pomerleau said that if it’s crazy for a Spokane store clerk to question accepting a check from someone with a Mead address, just how far away from the city would a shopper’s residence have to be before accepting a check actually did become problematic?

Responding to a multiple-choice question in which he was mentioned, the former ambassador to Iraq – Spokane’s own Ryan Crocker – wrote to say he doesn’t run into the Old 97’s down in Texas. He guessed that they must hang out in different bars.

And a caller who did not tell me her name energetically shared the news that she was ending her longtime S-R subscription because of Tuesday’s Slice.

Thanks to all.

Today’s Slice question: An e-mail from a guy in Minnesota who was wondering if I am the Paul Turner originally from Coon Rapids (I’m not) got me wondering. How often do you hear from strangers who are searching for old classmates that have the same name as you?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160; Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail You aren’t the first to tell a family member he or she is “on the bubble.”

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