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The Slice: Still riding a wave of good will

As I start my fourth annual Bike to Work Week, I have one thing to say to Spokane drivers.


The majority of you make sharing the road safe and sane.

Today is also the start of Mailbox Improvement Week: You can go online — — to find a full schedule of Spokane activities including the annual Mailbox Improvement Torchlight Parade, the crowning of the Queen of Mailbox Improvement, the Cliff Clavin Lookalike Contest, Mailimpfest, a screening of “The Postman” at The Bing (come dressed as Tom Petty or Olivia Williams) and the Running of the Pit Bulls.

OK, I made that stuff up. But it really is Mailbox Improvement Week. The postal service requests that you make sure yours is in good working order and free of wasp nests.

Slice answer: “The worst thing about hanging laundry out around my house is birds,” said Vicki Barnes.

Today’s Slice question: Remember on “Bewitched” how Darrin would call Samantha on short notice and announce that his boss, Larry Tate, and a client were coming over for dinner — often with their wives in tow?

Sure. Well, how would it go over if you tried that?

A) I could call but there wouldn’t be anyone home. B) Not well. In our house, we need at least four days notice before having company over so that we can clean the place up. C) My husband, who does the cooking, would snort and say, “What am I supposed to do, just twitch my nose and have all the shopping done and dinner magically prepared?” D) My wife would text me back with “What color is the sky in your world?” E) There would be a long pause in the phone conversation and then my domestic partner would say, “I begged you to get some therapy.” F) I would hear, “Sure, why not invite Buddy and Sally, too? We can play charades after dessert. Oh, were they in a different show? Well, here’s another news flash: This isn’t 1965 and we don’t live in a sitcom. I’m going to yoga after work. Goodbye.” G) The expression “epic fail” comes to mind. H) Other.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; email Just because Spokane is a bargain-loving place doesn’t mean everyone here likes to haggle.

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