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The Slice: Time to cover it up again, folks

Last week was National Swimsuit Confidence Week.

This week it’s back to valuing only unrealistically perfect bodies.

Let’s move on.

Just wondering: How would the world be different if someone had written a hit song about explorer David Thompson? You know, something along the lines of “The Ballad of Davy Crockett.”

And what if there had been a Disney TV show about him starring someone like Fess Parker?

I guess we would first have to find out if Thompson was known for distinctive headwear. If it was a marmotskin cap, I don’t want to hear about it.

But perhaps it is silly to imagine such a song. I seem to remember that he spent his early years in or near London. So it’s exceedingly unlikely that he kilt him a ba’r when he was only 3.

A drunken Manchester United fan, maybe. A pre-Dickensian strumpet, perhaps. But probably not a bear.

Still, he was one heck of an explorer.

Da-vid, Da-vid Thompson

King of the wild frontier

Slice answer: Lots of Slice readers recalled many long-gone local movie theaters.

Jerry Sletvold, who was 9 when his family moved to Spokane from North Dakota in 1958, has fond memories of the old Rialto theater in Hillyard.

When I told him another reader had written that the Rialto had “quiiiiiite a reputation,” Sletvold chuckled.

There may have been certain two-fisted Hillyard kids hovering nearby, eager to kick the butts of wide-eyed youths from supposedly genteel parts of town. But Sletvold went there to watch movies.

Warm-up question: When reading “Archie” comics long ago, what thought kept crossing your mind?

A) Aren’t Betty and Veronica way out of Archie’s league? B) Riverdale reminds me a bit of Spokane once upon a time. C) What’s the deal with Jughead’s hat? D) In terms of insights on the human condition and narrative arc, these stories seem a tad thin. E) Is Archie wearing some sort of hairnet or what? F) Other.

Today’s Slice question: Who around here signs or initials the greatest volume of documents that he or she has not actually read?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Check out The Slice Blog at If you want a laugh, ask a kindergarten boy if he has ever kissed a girl.

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