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The Slice: Serenade your man with salute to Boone

According to some accounts, today is Daniel Boone’s birthday.

Though he didn’t live anywhere near here, I’ve long thought of him as something of a fantasy role model for many an Inland Northwest man yearning to be out tromping around in the woods.

So what would be nicer than to salute a man in your life by serenading him with a personalized version of the 1960s “Daniel Boone” show theme song?

Hey, it’s Saturday. There’s time for this.

I’ll provide the time-honored lyrics. You do the singing. I’ll assume you know the tune.

(insert first and last name of your man) was a man,

Yes, a big man!

With an eye like an eagle

And as tall as a mountain was he!

(insert first and last name) was a man,

Yes, a big man!

He was brave, he was fearless

And as tough as a mighty oak tree!

From the coonskin cap on the top of ol’ (insert short version of first name)

To the heel of his rawhide shoe

The rippin’est, roarin’est, fightin’est man

The frontier ever knew!

(insert first and last name) was a man,

Yes, a big man!

And he fought for America

To make all Americans free!

What a (insert last name)! What a doer!

What a dream come-er-true-er was he!

Speaking of songs: A little kid in a grocery store piped up with a spirited rendition of “The Alphabet Song.”

But she could get only as far as “A, B …” before having to hum the next parts.

That’s fine. She was quite young.

Besides, chances are she’ll soon be challenging the need memorize any of that. “I can just go online.”

Speaking of little kids in grocery stores: It would appear that some small children have talked parents into letting them wear Halloween costumes all month.

Maybe they think strangers will buy them bags of candy.

Today’s Slice question: How do you respond when people who correct you don’t know what they’re talking about?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email I’m not saying you won’t get your hair mussed if you check out The Slice Blog at Some old guys around here who do not hear well can blame the astonishingly loud B-36.

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