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The Slice: No wonder Hermey wanted to be a dentist

Nothing says Christmas spirit quite like a little girl’s awareness of Third World sweatshops.

Dan Mork was watching “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” with his granddaughter Abby. A scene featuring elves in action caught the child’s attention.

Said Abby, “I like Santa’s little slaves.”

Chain reaction: After a certain North Side espresso stand converted to a baristas-in-lingerie format, Chris Wright noticed a couple of competitors fighting back with their sign boards.

“We keep it classy, we keep our clothes on,” read one.

“The coffee’s on and so are our clothes,” said another.

Re: manual car windows: Tara Leininger was picking up her junior-high granddaughter when the girl’s friend also climbed into the pickup and sat next to the door.

After a few minutes, the granddaughter’s friend wanted to crack the window and she could be seen searching high and low for a button.

Eventually, Leininger’s granddaughter had to bridge the generation gap by calling the girl’s attention to the window crank. “This is a pretty old truck. You have to do it yourself.”

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’: North Idaho’s Bob Wilson emerged from a grocery store earlier this week after doing his shopping.

“I didn’t see my truck parked where I had left it,” he wrote.

He looked around and spotted his vehicle nearby.

“When I got closer, I noticed there were two blocks of firewood under the front wheels.”

What the …?

“Then the light went on. I realized that the truck had rolled forward.”

Oops. Wilson always leaves the truck in gear when parking. But the shifter must not have engaged on this occasion.

“There was no note to chastise me for failing to secure my truck so I have no way to thank the kind soul(s) who did this. I can only hope that, given the opportunity to do something similar, I will not hesitate to help out.”

Wilson put the two pieces of firewood in the bin in front of the store, from whence – he suspects – they came.

Today’s Slice question: If you had a secret life as a hip-hop DJ, what name would you go by?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Those of us on Tadashi and Donelle Osborne’s Christmas card list cannot believe how fast their three boys are growing up.

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