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Huckleberries: Reagan Republicans rebuff phony image of Otter

The Reagan Republicans were miffed last week when a young Elephant posted on their Facebook wall a photoshopped picture of Gov. Butch Otter, President Barack Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. The three men appeared to be walking hand in hand. This, under a headline, “Turn Idaho Blue” and above a caption, “Support Obama, Give to Otter.”

It seems photoshopper Ethan Crisp considers Republican Otter damaged moderate goods because Christie will appear at a $1,000-per-couple fundraiser for the governor in Coeur d’Alene on Dec. 6 – Christie, after all, praised Obama for relief help after Hurricane Sandy hit. Crisp’s photoshopping drew a rebuke from Reagan Repub President Jeff Tyler, who reminded him of President Reagan’s 11th Commandment for the GOP: Speak no ill of fellow Republicans. A commandment that the Reagan Republicans and their PR arm, Strategery, ignored in nonpartisan local races involving their uberconservative endorsees and moderate Republicans such as Councilwoman Deanna Goodlander and school trustee Christa Hazel.

Do as I say, not as I do?

Local R’s cultish

Councilwoman Goodlander had this to say to Huckleberries about Kootenai County Republicans: “I have considered myself a Republican since my college years, but in today’s Republican world in our area, I begin to have my doubts. I was a member of Pachyderms for several years and also Republican Women. What I began to see was a weekly indoctrination of speakers with only one agenda. Almost like a cult. When the mayor and I asked to speak to Republican Women about McEuen Field, we were asked if the presenters were Republican; if we could attest to that, we might be allowed to (speak). Frankly, I did not know or care if city staff members were Republican or Democrat. None of my business. What I did see was that there was no interest in open communication, only communication that matched the agenda.” And that’s why the Kootenai County GOP tent continues to shrink.


Poet’s Corner: “He would as soon/contract a virus/as see more news/of Miley Cyrus” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue (“Civilization’s Collapse, cont.”) … Bumpersnicker (on a silver Hyundai parked along Coeur d’Alene’s Northwest Boulevard on Thursday): “Tea Party: It’s a nicer way of saying Mob of Racists and Homophobes.” Harsh … Poll: 58 percent of my Huckleberries Online blog readers oppose any penalty for Gonzaga University students Erik Fagan and Daniel McIntosh, who said they chased away an intruder at gunpoint … The aforementioned school trustee Christa Hazel offers this Facebook factoid about herself: “I prefer ‘Walking Dead’ zombies to ‘World War Z’ zombies” … Councilman Dan Gookin is promoting healing in Coeur d’Alene, now that his preferred ticket of Coeur d’Alene City Hall candidates was clobbered in the city election Nov. 5. But on election night, he joined council buddy Steve Adams in voting against three routine appointments to city boards, including Kaity Widmyer, a student alternate nominated for the Library Board. Healing is a two-way street.

Parting shot

Hayden Laker Kim Knerl, who lived in California for 44 years, is surprised by one aspect of driving in the Inland Northwest: “I continually tell my friends back in ‘The Old Country’ that I have never once been given ‘The Bird’ while driving in Idaho. Seriously, nine years would be an unheard of record in Sacramento – something I appreciate.” Meanwhile, Jamie Lynn Morgan, of Coeur d’Alene, Facebooks that she’s lost that lovin’ feelin’ when it comes to local drivers: “I vowed that on my drive over and back from Spokane that I would stay positive. I succeeded – I am positive there are some people who shouldn’t have a driver’s license.” All those ex-Californians must hang out on the freeway.

Read Dave Oliveria’s North Idaho blog, Huckleberries Online, at

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