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The Slice: Harley-riding twin brothers continue to share adventures

Marv, left, and Erv Koller pose with their Harleys in Zion National Park in March.

I asked for current photos of people who had appeared in The Slice as little kids ages ago.

Well, Erv Koller of Millwood wasn’t exactly a child but, well, he can tell it.

“You did a story on my twin brother, Marv, and me in June of 1998,” he wrote. “We were preparing to go to the 95th Harley-Davidson celebration in Milwaukee, Wis. We both have since retired from our jobs and are enjoying life with no deadlines. We turn 69 years old in November.”

Erv sent a photo of the Koller brothers at Zion National Park. It was taken last month.

As you can see, they still look great.

“We’re leaving Spokane on July 8 and will ride to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, on the Beaufort Sea. That’s at the end of the Dalton Highway and the top of the world! We’ll get some pictures and then head home.”

Safe travels, gentlemen.

If you check back in with me after another 16 years, that will be in the year 2030.

Here’s hoping we’re all still riding then.

There are two things you can do when you notice that someone who just got up has been sitting on a jelly bean: You can ignore it or you can ask permission to commence a scrape-off operation.

You make the call: Name the Spokane TV news operation where the best-looking people aren’t the on-air folks.

Today’s Slice question: Do any Spokane area parents still try to persuade their college-bound kids to attend their alma mater or is that particular brand of arm-twisting a thing of the past?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email “What do I mutter when I unfollow someone on Twitter?” wrote Garry Matlow. “Let’s just say it sounds like a town in North Idaho.”

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