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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

The Slice: Breakfast-table dress code deserves weekends off

How do people in your household dress for weekend breakfasts? A) Underwear. B) Pajamas. C) Same as on a workday. D) Spokane casual. E) Buffet pants and sweatshirts. F) About like they do in “Downton Abbey.” G) Depends on whether there are houseguests. H) Will we be going to church? I) We do not eat at the same time or in the same place, so the dress code varies. J) Other.

Stuff That Bugs People Department: “I understand and am not bothered by the requests to change seats on an airplane,” wrote Sue Chapin. “However, what drives me nuts is the people who arrive late to a movie and expect the rest of us to shift around to accommodate their seat request.”

What farm kids learn: “A sense of community.” – Joan Williams

“Sometimes you have to deal with a dead goat.” – Sue Lani W. Madsen

Language arts: Ed Carroll recalled that his kid brother had a difficult time grasping the difference between two, to and too.

“My sister and I got him clear on the number two, and pretty clear on going ‘to’ somewhere, but the third one he could not figure out. So, we said it’s like also, ‘too also.’ To this day, Jim, who is a successful engineering consultant in the San Francisco area, says ‘too also.’ ”

When Joan Tracy’s daughter, Ann, was 4, the child had a baby sitter who watched a soap opera. Tracy wasn’t sure this was suitable fare for her young daughter. So she asked Ann about the TV show. “Well, it’s about this lady, and she’s having a crissis,” the child reported.

That pronunciation stuck. “Ever since, ‘crissis’ has been our family’s term to describe a dicey situation.”

For the record: Several readers suggested that, if one really knows how to use chopsticks, shoveling in the food is not a problem.

And others noted that the Ides of a month isn’t always the 15th.

Today’s Slice question: How many people watch “True Detective,” “Walking Dead” and “Downton Abbey” on Sunday nights and what would a therapist make of that?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email A woman I know says that in her circle of grandparents, all young adult children from this area eventually move back to Spokane.

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