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The Slice: Near nature, near reality

Readers suggested TV shows that could be set in Spokane.

Scott Burnham’s would be called “Tribute.”

“A city is near-perfect. But perfection has its price. Each year five citizens must be sacrificed. Who will be next? Can it be stopped?”

Could be a chance to showcase Spokane’s often overlooked diversity.

Diana Churchill proposed a reality show in which “Contestants search for the most expensive, cheapest, most bizarre, oldest, outdated, worn out, and unidentifiable items at garage sales.”

Spokane is rich in unidentifiable items.

Walt Lindgren pitched a costume drama set in the past. “ ‘Sposcamsalot’ features Spokane’s Peyton Building ‘Wolves of Post Street’ phone-peddling stocks for salted gold mines, lead-loaded silver shafts, and railroads to nowhere.”

You know, a salute to the con men who helped build our fair city.

Mary Wells would base a series on “Vigilante citizens who tire of endless crime and create their own highly inventive solutions.”

I’m guessing she’s not picturing it as a comedy.

Several readers suggested shows based on the adventures of the Spokane Police Department. Robert Prater’s series would be called “Cop’n An Attitude.”

Nina Elo submitted “SPOKANE 911” and proposed episodes dealing with concealed weapons, a marmot uprising and other themes.

Laura Parker said a show could be called “Bowl & Pitcher” and feature a South Hill family involved in marijuana, microbrewing and teens learning about life. She also alluded to an interesting mix of neighbors.

Other ideas from Slice readers included a show focused on Spokane veterinarians and the animals they encounter, writers who live in Spokane, and autistic Spokane residents with superpowers.

Some of those sound potentially watchable. So does “Melodi Barnes, Nurse Detective,” a proposal from Dirk Stratton.

“When not saving people in the ER, this pick-up driving RN solves crimes, helped by her Border Patrol-employed husband and teenage son hacker.”

Thanks to all who entered. Winners will be notified.

Today’s Slice question: Are you under the impression that Selection Sunday can be found on the liturgical calendar?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Beware.

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