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The Slice: Cosmopolitan, eclectic and always on the move

You can see the weekend from here.

So maybe this is a good time to check in on “Spokane band.”

And there’s no better way to do that than to search this newspaper’s electronic archives for sentences that include that exact phrase.

Let’s start on a positive note. I’m pleased to report that Spokane band “has broad appeal.”

That’s not easy to achieve in the music business.

The S-R further reported that Spokane band “headlines a show with other local faves.”

Sounds good. I trust a good time was had by all.

But Spokane band did not stop there. Oh, no.

It also “celebrates the release of ‘Be Here Now.’ ”

While, according to an altogether different article, “specializing in spooky blues rock.”

So here’s a question. How do you measure success for a local musical group?

Well, here’s one way. Spokane band’s music “is used on the Discovery HD TV series ‘Catchin’ Air.’ ”

But it’s tough to make a go of it in showbiz. So, undoubtedly after agonizing introspection, Spokane band “moved to Portland.”

It also “moved to Seattle.”

Several times, apparently.

See ya.

They must have come back though, perhaps with a new lineup. Because we read that Spokane band “has played little more than a handful of shows around town.”

So maybe you are confused now. Perhaps we need to review.

What kind of music does Spokane band play?

It “plays symphonic Christmas rock.”

Well, deck the halls and all that jazz.

And, for the record, it “has played Bayview before.”

But Spokane band has not been satisfied to stand pat. Surely that’s why they “flew Arnold up for the audition.”

Of course, no one will fail to remember when Spokane band “reached world fame after launching off of Seattle’s Sub Pop label.”

Until, that is, we forget.

Rock on.

Today’s Slice question: When did you last dance?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Please rank your swimsuit anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “I cannot believe how hot I look” and 10 being “If I even think about putting on a swimsuit, I want to harm myself and others.”

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