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The Slice: Maybe he just shouldn’t sweat it

Editor’s note: Paul Turner is taking some time off. In his absence, we’re diving into the archives here at Slice Central. Today, we revisit Aug. 5, 2007.

After asking about taking multiple showers, The Slice heard from a guy who said he typically changes T-shirts seven times a day.

This summer, I almost believe him.

Let’s move on.

Marmot Lodge update: So approximately 300 readers signed up to be charter members of the International Order of Friendly Marmots. These individuals donated a total of about $1,000 to area animal welfare programs.

Thanks to all.

Your first assignment is to familiarize yourself with the classic 1941 movie starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck, “Meet John Doe.”

Be prepared to discuss.

Just wondering: The Slice heard about a local surgeon who engages in a little ritual before he operates. He eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

How about you? Is there something you do before tackling important but recurring job tasks?

Today’s Slice question: When, on rare occasions, you find yourself feeling sick of Spokane, what usually triggered that attitude?

A) Actions, utterances of local politicians who got elected despite being small, petty people. B) One too many encounters with individuals who assume that anyone who isn’t just like them must be an oddball. C) Coverage decisions made by this newspaper. D) Travel. E) Ball caps, yard sales and bouncy teens exhorting you to pull into their fundraising carwash – that, and your growing suspicion that your life has become a boring loop-tape getting played over and over. F) The latest in the endless procession of news stories about child abuse, animal abuse, vandalism or the upcoming concert of some tired has-been. G) The notion that Spokane is somehow uniquely emblematic of a wide range of unattractive American traits. H) Fear that not enough people here believe we can do better. I) One too many unpleasant traffic encounters with small men in large trucks. J) The realization that you crave more culture and less camping. K) Sensing that too many people here are in complete denial about the social and public-policy attitudes that hold Spokane back. L) “I never feel that way.” M) Momentarily forgetting about the legions of wonderful people here. N) Other.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; email Get ready for the arguments about back-to-school clothes.

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