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The Slice: The Slice: Might be family pressure to stay awake

Let’s call this the second movement.

Last month, The Slice reported on Helen Rock’s tendency to fall asleep at classical music concerts. It was noted in passing that the simple solution would be to avoid them. The complication is that Helen’s daughter-in-law is an accomplished violinist and sometimes it would be nice to hear her play.

Well, the Spokane Symphony has announced its 2017-18 schedule and Helen’s daughter-in-law, Jessica Lee, is scheduled to be a visiting featured soloist at two performances in early September.

“Will I be in the audience?” wondered Helen. “Not sure. She is bringing my baby granddaughter with her, and I just may have to babysit.”

Stay tuned.

Baldness feedback, No. 1: “Has baldness changed my life?” wrote Steve Kellen. “Yes. Being bald has allowed many opportunities for humility. Baldness has allowed me to laugh at myself and make jokes like, whenever women say they just can’t seem to do anything with their hair, I lift my hat and say, ‘Me too!’ ”

Knowing your role: “My daughter’s recent marriage brought two very young girls into our family,” wrote Stan Hughes. “She was a bit concerned whether or not I could play the grandpa role. I told her it is easy to be a grandpa. All you need to know is ‘Got your nose’ and ‘Pull my finger.’ ”

Why it’s wise to be skeptical about some of the things adults say: “My fifth-grade teacher told us women wore nail polish to hide the dirt under their nails,” said Janet Culbertson.

Warm-up question: You know how, when you are in the midst of a viewing marathon of a certain series and the TV has been on a long time, a question eventually pops up on the screen – “Are you still watching?”

Well, have you ever thought that was mildly insulting? You know, as if Big Brother was judging you. Like there was a real emphasis on the “still.” Or that the question implied something along the lines of “Do you really think staying planted on the couch for 10 hours qualifies as living a rich, full life?”

Today’s Slice question: Ever sort of wished a natural disaster would occur in a certain part of your home so making decisions about what to do with the stuff stored there would be simplified?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email When it comes to interior decorating and gender stereotypes, what’s in the exact middle between animal heads mounted on the wall and 63,000 decorative pillows on the bed or sofa?

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