Applause line
Big applause line:"I will remember coming to spokane, driving down the streets and seeing there's a lot of work to be done here."She might have meant infrastructure, the crowd probably was thinking of snow removal
Big applause line:"I will remember coming to spokane, driving down the streets and seeing there's a lot of work to be done here."She might have meant infrastructure, the crowd probably was thinking of snow removal
Here's Michelle Obama's first hint of criticism of Clinton (or, really, the Clintons):"It has gotten progressively worse for regular folks through Republican and Democratic administrations," she said.
Michelle Obama said the cost of college has become too high."We just paid off our educational debt three years ago," Obama said. "I'm still waiting for Barack's trust fund."She joked that she thought that maybe he had one since it was recently revealed that he…
Michelle Obama talked about her parents, who sent two kids to Princeton.Most folks are like her parents: "They don't want much," she said.But they want to be able to make a decent living and they want they're kids to have access to quality schools, she…
Hillary Clinton explains her health care plan:Open up the Congressional Health plan to let people who don't have insurance or don't like their insurance get coverage."If it's good enough for Congress, it's good enough for the American people."Regulate insurance companies differently, get rid of exclusions…
Clips from the stump speech that get a hand:"This election's going to be between more of the same and a new path."Blasts McCain for saying the nation could have troops in Iraq for 100 years.Calls for creating new jobs with "clean energy," and a "Strategic…
State Sen. Chris Marr pointed to his election in 2006 to a seat that had been dominated by Republicans that change already is happening in Spokane.He said he endorsed Obama more than a year ago because "he emodied the politics of possiblity, not the politics…
To the strains of "Takin' Care of Business" accompanied by Rep. Jay Inslee and Sen. Maria Cantwell.Inslee points out he used to represent part of Eastern Washington, and wants to get something off his chest. Not ready to elect a woman president? he asks. It…
In case no one's been paying attention to the 2008 presidential race, Michelle Obama will be standing in front of a banner that says "Change we can believe in." The word change is bigger than the Fox theater lettering in front.And the word "change" is…
The crowd at the West Central Community Center was just told Hillary Clinton's plane has landed in Spokane and she'll arrive in about 15 minutes.
Gov. Chris Gregoire, the most recent high-profile Obama endorser, warmed up today's Seattle crowd for Barrack Obama.In Spokane, state Sen. Chris Marr will get the honors for the Michelle Obama rally.AFTER THE FACT UPDATE: Marr actually introduced state Sen. Lisa Brown, who welcomed Obama to…
Clinton is now set to arrive about 3:30 or 3:45 p.m. Organizers at the center are encouraging people to move around and relax. They are playing music, including "I'm a Believer" by The Monkees, "Takin' Care of Business" and "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" by…
City Council President Joe Shogan will attend the Clinton event, said city spokeswoman Marlene Feist.Feist earlier said Mayor Mary Verner would attend the Michelle Obama rally.
Organizers stopped letting people in the community center at 2:15 p.m. The last person in was Joanne Bailey, a part-time nurse and retired teacher. "I just feel very fortunate," she said.Bailey waited outside for one hour and 45 minutes. "I thought that would be plenty…
The overflow location is the Girl Scouts office at 1404 N. Ash St., about three blocks from the West Central Community Center. Spokane Fire Chief Bobby Williams says the community center has a capacity of 675 people. “There’s more out there than that,” Williams said.…
Spokane Mayor Mary Verner plans to attend today's rally with Michelle Obama, but that shouldn't be seen as an endorsement, said city spokeswoman Marlene Feist.Verner received invitations from the Clinton and Obama campaigns to attend their Friday afternoon events, Feist said. Michelle Obama's event fit…
Gov. Chris Gregoire held her endorsement cards close to the vest as long as possible, but this morning was time to show 'em.She's endorsing Barack Obama for president while both Democratic presidential candidates are in the state campaigning.More than just a boost before Saturday's caucuses,…
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will make a campaign stop in Spokane sometime Friday, probably in the morning, her campaign announced Wednesday evening.Details of the event haven't been set yet, a campaign spokeswoman said, and probably won't be final until midday Thursday.But Hillary Clinton is…
Washington state has yet to generate the kind of attention from the presidential candidates that some of the early states got. Not surprising, because 24 other states and Super Duper Tuesday, comes between them and us.But because Washington officials did roll the dice and pick…
Spokane's Lisa Brown, the Senate majority leader, will lead a group of legislators endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama today.Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton have been in an endorsement scramble in the last week as Super Duper Tuesday, and the follow-on Washington precinct caucuses, approach.Clinton…
The response ad to Part 1, from the folks at showwhat, who post on YouTube.
We got answers.Click here.
How the "arms race" in attack ads will play itself out, courtesy of showwhat folks, who post on YouTube. Check back this evening for the counter attack.
As Republican Ron Paul's supporters prepared for a rally Thursday evening in Spokane, Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton dueled for attention from Northwest voters in Idaho and the Puget Sound.
We're debuting our new, improved Spin Control, with this video clip, not just because it's pretty clever, but because it's appropos of the site.We'll have changes -- including more video clips.Let us know what you think of our changes.
The Spokesman-Review's political team keeps a critical eye on local, state and national politics.