Voter Turnout: The ebbs and flows of U.S. voter interest
We Americans tend to be awfully spoiled sometimes. We only pay attention to those things that really matter to us. And all too often, we feel like our votes don’t really matter.
As a result, many Americans stay at home on Election Day. This results in placing our government into the hands of those who really care about politics ... but also into the hands of those who have political axes to grind and who thrive in a divisive partisan environment — like the one we seem to be in these days.
Here’s a look at voter turnout in the U.S. going back to the very beginnings of our democracy.
United States Elections Project, the American Presidency Project of UC Santa Barbara,, U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. House of Representatives Office of History, Art & Archives, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Pew Research Center, Statista