Orchard Prairie School
The tiny Orchard Prairie School District north of Spokane Valley tries for the second year in a row to get voters to pay to renovate it's school house.
Orchard Prairie school was established in 1894. Classes are still held in building.
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Second-graders Emery Baker, left, and Lucy Hiett play a game of rock-paper-scissors after completing a math quiz in the hallway of the old school house building, Jan., 25, 2016. Students are allowed to use the hallway to get away from the noise of the classroom when doing schoolwork.
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Orchard Prairie School teacher Meagon Harrington displays flash cards to second-grade students Olive Utley, Gabby Blanton and Ezra James during math class in the old schoolhouse. Janie Farrell teaches reading to her student Amanda Makortoff and Stanton Butler at rear. The classroom addition was added to the original school in 1910.
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Orchard Prairie students canvas the playground with measuring stick while working on math problems, Jan. 25, 2016. The school district would like to build a new multipurpose building on the site.
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Orchard Prairie School District Superintendent Howard King visits with students working on a penmanship assignment, Jan. 25, 2016, in the old schoolhouse addition that dates back to 1910.
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Orchard Prairie School District Superintendent Howard King shows the district’s boundary area on a map, Jan. 25, 2016,
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Orchard Prairie School District Superintendent Howard King works at his office desk just feet away from where Toree Howe teaches math to her third-grade students, Jan. 25, 2016. The classroom also has an additional three desks that serve as teacher offices.
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