Flower nurseries
From ornamental flowers to native plants, $365 million industry provides products to a changing market.
Abby Jensen, of Mount Vernon, sprays organic fertilizer on starts of basil plants in a Skagit Horticulture greenhouse.
Jim Camden The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Hanging flower baskets, a popular item for Mother’s Day, are lined up above the other plants growing in Northwest Horticulture greenhouses as they wait for shipment around the region and beyond. The two weeks before Mothers Day is the busiest time of year for many nursery growers.
Jim Camden The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
A production line worker places plant starts in a growing medium at T & L Nursery, where Lean management techniques are working to cut the time on the line to 10 seconds per plant.
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Teresa Garcia works with varieties of impatiens that are nearing time to send to stores.
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Mark Buchholz, president and chief executive officer of Northwest Horticulture, holds an Etera tile, a collection of succulent plants that are used on the roofs of urban buildings to reduce heat and in place of grass for lawns in areas with low rainfall. By varying the mix of plants, the company can provide tiles in a wide range of colors.
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