Hoopfest 2013
Sights and scenes from Spokane Hoopfest 2013, featuring more than 27,000 players and 7,000 teams spread across 42 city blocks.
Section:Picture story

Gonzaga Law School student Andrew Corddry was prepared for sunny skies but saw rain as he volunteered to be court monitor on Sprague near Lincoln.
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Hoofest 24 players pause before the first game to honor America as the National Anthem is played over loudspeakers, June 29, 2013 in downtown Spokane, Wash.
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Spokane’s Armand Ahishakiye of Showtime Brown drives the lane against Missoula’s Griffin Line during a Hoopfest matchup on Spokane Falls Boulevard, June 29, 2013.
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Cousins Seth Buller, 14, and Luke Skipper, 13, show their style as they wait for their team, Teach Us To Snuggie, to start its first game, June 29, 2013 on Sprague near Post. Seth is the team manager and Luke is the coach.
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James Stevenson, 21, of Lind, grimaces as his grilfriend Lexi Watkins, 19, of Odessa, helps him out with his sunscreen application during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
Tyler Tjomsland The Spokesman-Review

Fans fill the stands at the Hoopfest Muscle Milk High School Elite Center Court on Saturday, June 29.
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Jordan Tweedt, 21 of Coeur d’Alene, shoots over Zane Klemke,18 of Medical Lake during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash. Tweedt was on a team with his father, Shane, and brother, Mason, called the Tweedters.
Tyler Tjomsland The Spokesman-Review

Members of the team “Like A Rash” (because they grow on you) from left, Nick Beveridge, 26, Jeremy Kitchen 25, Josh Kitchen, 28 and Brandon Beveridge, 28, pose for a photo during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Competitors duke it out during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Jerymy Kitchen, 25, laughs as friend Brandon Beveridge spins a basketball as they walk through downtown Spokane during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013.
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Hoopfest is seen from the top of the downtown Parkade on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Spectators open umbrellas as the rain falls during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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A competitor drives the ball as rain glistens on the street during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Jackson LaRue had a family friend shave his team’s name, “Nets,” into his hair before he came to play at Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Zoe Brown 8, of Cashmere, Wash., shoots with her team Princess Power as they face off against Small but Mighty of Spokane during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Youngsters can be seen battling it out from the top of the Parkade during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Basketball teams battle it out as seen from the top of the Parkade during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Basketball teams battle it out as seen from the top of the Parkade during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Members of the team Ball Blasters react during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Benjamin Royter,10, is congratulated after his team, MineCrafters, won a game during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Miguel Torres, 22, right, of Bridgeport, Wash., takes cover from the rain with Spokane Ballers teammate Christian Lopez, 17, during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Mt Spokane’s Stu Stiles, left, and Central Valley’s Adam Chamberlain react early in a game during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Cameron Mains, 11, of Goldendale, Wash., tosses a ball as he waits to play with his team, The Wolves, during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Basketball players battle it out during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Richard Nyambura, 19, Amanda Young, 18 share an umbrella to wait out a passing thunderstorm during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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John Hicks tends to bracket boards from under a giant umbrella during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Hoopfest players and spectators wait under a tree for a passing thunderstorm to do its damage during Hoopfest on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Spokane, Wash.
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Wannabeasts Cameron Teplicky, of Bellevue, Wash., left, and Nick Page, of Deer Park, try to control a loose ball before splashing into a puddle on Riverside Avenue after rain soaked the downtown area during Hoopfest 24.
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Jim Metzger, 89, of Gesundheit, fires up a shot against Forever Alone during Hoopfest 24 near the corner Spokane Falls Boulevard and Stevens in downtown Spokane.
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Jim Metzger, 89, of Gesundheit, greets Brian Olney, of Be Like Mike, after their Hoopfest game on Saturday.
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The Rim Rippers’ Trevor Pease powers up with the ball on Main Avenue near Browne during Hoopfest 24 as teammates Koby Haikkila and Evan Ernst watch. Defending from the FBOG tem are Erik Marlow, Jessie Naylor and Chris Hess.
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Rim Rippers groupies and future Rippers watch their team’s game on Main near Browne during Hoopfest 24 against the FBOG team on June 29, 2013 in Spokane, Wash.
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Spokane police officers take a Hoopfest player into custody after a fight broke out between teams on Mallon near the Spokane Arena on Saturday.
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Thomas Edwards, of SP Wolfpack, splits Zawatti Clark, left, and Austin Smith, of Lob City, on Spokane Falls Boulevard near Washington, June 29, 2013, during Hoopfest 24.
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Superman Nick Morlan, of the Marvels Rejects, launches a jump shot against Dunkk Dynasty on Saturday on Washington Street during Hoopfest 24.
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University of Washington students David Wood, Justin Kim and Alex Wegner, of Swat Team, make their way to a court on Post Street near Sprague during Hoopfest 24. Kim said the Bear, named “Winnigin,” is the fourth member of their team.
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With a half-shaved head and beard, William Pohl, of Boise, plays for the Four Guys Five Chins team on Main Avenue near Stevens, June 29, 2013 at Hoopfest 24.
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The Funky Munkeys, Emily Monson, Tori John, Haley Musser and Brooklyn Hough, wear disguises before the start of the team;s game against Tough Cookies on Saturday.
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Emma Evans, of Cooper’s Hoopers, applies heavy defense to Olivia Moore, of Girlz Got Game, during Hoopfest 2013 on Riverside and Post.
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Mebers of Tugboats and Gesundheit splash their way through a Hoopfest game in a parking lot at Spokane Falls Boulevard and Stevens.
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Hoopfest 24 fans suffer through a downpour Saturday afternoon at Stevens and Spokane Falls Blvd.
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Crystal Barnufsky embraces her daughter, Alyssa, after she hit a winning 2-point shot for Giriz Got Game against Cooper’s Hoopers.
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Members of the Bacon Buds catch a little shuteye on Riverside and Monroe before playing a third game at Hoopfest 24.
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Hoopfest 24 players pause their game for some court maintenance after a downpour Saturday afternoon at Stevens and Spokane Falls Boulevard.
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