Public Records
The Spokesman-Review publishes the following:
- Washington official records
- Washington birth records
- Idaho building permits
- Government Almanac
- Official Records: July 8, 1995
- Idaho Records: July 7, 1995
- Official Records: July 7, 1995
- Idaho Records: July 6, 1995
- Official Records: July 6, 1995
- Idaho Records: July 4, 1995
- Official Records: July 4, 1995
- Idaho Records: July 2, 1995
- Official Records: July 1, 1995
- Idaho Records: June 30, 1995
- Official Records: June 30, 1995
- Idaho Records: June 29, 1995
- Official Records: June 29, 1995
- Idaho Records: June 28, 1995
- Official Records: June 28, 1995
- Idaho Records: June 27, 1995
- Official Records: June 27, 1995
- Government Almanac: June 25, 1995
- Idaho Records: June 25, 1995
- Official Records: June 24, 1995