Official Records
SPOKANE COUNTY Marriage Licenses
Barry A. Smith of Moscow, Idaho, and Pamela L. Tate of Spokane.
Kenneth Bardford and Chrishedna L. Johnson, both of Spokane.
Vern G. Graham and Dorothy L. Bowen, both of Deer Park.
Eric S. Williams and Chea E. Scott, both of Spokane.
William S. Prickett and Shelly L. Hamar, both of Spokane.
James P. Wright of Davenport, Wash., and Juanita M. Hallmark of Spokane.
Troy J. Bracey and Heather L. Tschabold, both of Spokane.
In the Courts Superior Courts New Suits
Robert Janatsch vs. Bruce R. and Lynette S. Thompson, seeking to quiet title.
Farmers and Merchants Bank of Rockford vs. Christopher L. Spencer, Murray Management, Inc., dba U.S. Auto Sales, Michael and Janice Marshall, money claimed owed.
James H. Coble vs. Alloy Trailers Inc., seeking restitution for personal injuries.
Appleway Equipment Leasing,Inc. vs. Shelli L. Zehm, money claimed owed.
Lester E. and Jean A. Willmore, Glady’s Leek vs. Doug and Nancy Meyer, seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
TRA Industries, Inc., dba Huntwood Industries vs. Kenneth Brunno, dba Silverwood Construction, Inc., Hartford Casualty Insurance co., money claimed owed.
Marilyn Harris vs. Jeri Ferdinand, seeking restitution of premises.
Marilyn Harris vs. Candance Courridges, seeking restitution of premises.
Richard E. and Karen A. Kimpel, Gary A. Larson vs. Linda Babbitt, foreclosure.
William A. and Mary K. Behrens Living Trust vs. Mary L. and Laurie Floyd, seeking restitution of premises.
Mark and Teri Rex vs Reg and Sue Patenaude, seeking restitution of premises.
RAM Remanufacturing and Distributing, Inc. vs. Ronald D. Race, money claimed owed.
Karen L. and Richard W. Pearson vs. Stephen A. Vessels, property damages.
Spokane Merchants Association, dba NACM vs. Hartford Casualty Insurance Co., money claimed owed.
Farmers Insurance Company of Washington vs. Archie E. Laird, seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
Frank Moyer vs. Barbara Koski, seeking restitution of premises.
Lillie M. Smiley vs. Paul Ward, dba Mr. Handyman Home Improvement, Jerry S. Walker, dba Quality Construction and Repairs, CBIC Bonding Co., property damages.
Appleway Equipment Leasing, Inc. vs. James Glenn, money claimed owed.
Romel and Susan Mackelprang vs. Hedstrom Corp., seeking restitution for personal injuries.
Marriage Dissolution Petitions
Faught, Deanna D. and Dwight P.
Williams, Frank and Day, Jeanette O.
Gill, David E. and Amy N.
Ailie, Randall B. and Brenda L.
Hoffman, Randy G. and Debbie
Kellmer, Dorene F. and Orville C.
Conrad, Steven W. and Deborah L.
Williams, Janell C. and John R.
Sposito, Robin and Dave
Martin, Mariane. K. and Donald D.
Marriage Dissolution Granted
McKenzie, Robert G. and Barbra J.
Abney, Michel E. and Donita L.
Tomlinson, Everett L. and Kim
Martinez, Ramon M. and Connie M.
Rios Marciani, Cesar E. and Debra M.
Criminal Sentencings
Judge Thomas E. Merryman
Monte Duane Judd, 25; 60 days in jail with credit given for four days served, 56 days’ confinement to be converted to partial confinement, 24 months’ probation, after pleading guilty to first-degree criminal trespass.
Richard Lee Dubois, 25; $476 restitution, 12 months’ community supervision, after pleading guilty to seconddegree malicious mischief.
Michael Joseph Lavoie, 21; four months in jail with credit given for 70 days served, 12 months’ community supervision, after pleading guilty to third-degree assault.
Tamara Marie Amo, 28; $43 restitution, 22 months in prison with credit given for 392 days served, after pleading guilty to forgery; second offense: $1,802 restitution, 22 months in prison with credit given for 392 days served, to run concurrently with above sentence, after pleading guilty to taking a motor vehicle without owner’s permission; third offense; $4,072 restitution, 22 months in prison with credit given for 392 days served, to run concurrently with above sentence, after pleading guilty to seconddegree theft.
Federal Courts New Suits
Orla A. Yohn vs. Donna E. Shalala, seeking review of Social Security benefits.
Bankruptcy Petitions
Jim B. Mullen, Yakima, debts of $34,025.
Bruce A. and Carol J. Cakebread, Yakima, debts of $85,595.
Troy B. and Ashley J. Becker, 4128 E. Wellesley, debts of $34,050.
Rickey C. and Joanna L. Smith, Liberty Lake, debts of $46,787.
Mark A. Torchie, 6111 N. Post, debts of $22,270.
Duff W. Evans III, 1203 W. Nebraska, debts of $4,017.
Patricia M. Sears, Wenatchee, debts of $6,572.
Raymond A. Elder, Kennewick, debts of $39,401.
Kathleen A. Myles, Richland, debts of 23,100.
Scott A. and Kristin M. McIntosh, College Place,Wash., debts of $53,156.
Timothy D. LaFreniere, Kennewick, debts of $8,648.
Terry L. and Christine M. Parker, Kennewick, debts of $98,852.
Wage Earner Petitions
District Courts
Only fines or forfeitures of $75 or more included unless a jail sentence is given.
Judge Donna Wilson
Walter C. Eberhart, 47; $85 fine, operating motor vehicle without liability insurance.
Chad A. Felix, 39; $150 fine, third-degree driving with license suspended; second offense: $200 fine, operating motor vehicle without liability insurance.
Mark B. Fry, 33; $150 fine, driving without a driver’s license; second offense; $85 fine, expired vehicle license over two months.
Robert A. Janatsch, 39; $200 fine, 12 months’ probation, violation of civil anti-harassment order reduced to disorderly conduct.
Neal T. Johnson, 19; 365 days in jail, driving while intoxicated; second offense: 365 days in jail, first-degree driving with license suspended.
Sandra D. Moran, 37; $85 fine, speeding 10 mph over limit.
Charles J. Taylor, 35; $100 fine, driving without a driver’s license.
Steven H. Skjothaug, 30; $75 fine, third-degree driving with license suspended reduced to no operator’s license on person.
Judge Richard B. White
Deborah L. Bookman, 33; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, driving without a driver’s license.
Edward C. Campbell, 28; $150 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Courtney K. Carson, 28; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Kenneth D. Goodhope, 23; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Cynthia E. Grant, 19; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, driving without a driver’s license.
Patrick A. Higley, 25; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, second-degree driving with license suspended reduced to driving without a driver’s license.
James B. Jackson, 22; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Linda A. Pickard, 25; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Carl A. Taylor, 24; $685 fine, one day in jail, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Jon D. Yoder, 52; $85 fine, liability insurance required; second offense: $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, driving without a driver’s license.
Michael L. Miacolo, 23; $85 fine, liability insurance required.
Cecile M. Morin, 37; $100 fine, 12 months’ probation, theft.
Mary E. Peterson, 42; $85 fine, liability insurance required; second offense: $250 fine, 12 months’ probation, first-degree driving with license suspended reduced to third-degree.
William J. Rutter, 29; $250 fine, 185 days in jail, 24 months’ probation, first-degree driving with license suspended reduced to second-degree.
Hollis D. Sumner, 36; 87 days in jail, 24 months’ probation, resisting arrest.
Ronald E. Wilson, 54; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, second-degree driving with license suspended.
Craig F. Clark, 36; $85 fine, liability insurance required.
William B. Davidson, 62; $685 fine, one day in jail, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Judge John J. Madden
Jeffrey S. Almond, 29; $75 fine, reckless driving reduced to negligent.
Sherri L. Miller, 43; $800 fine, two days in jail, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated reduced to reckless driving.
John J. Smith, 33; $600 fine, driving while intoxicated.
David Winebarger, 50; $685 fine, one day in jail, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Dale E. Vinkgraf, 28; $600 fine, driving while intoxicated reduced to negligent driving.
David J. Templeton III, 45; $100 fine, 20 hours community service, possession of drug paraphernalia.