New listings
Coeur d’Alene High School, Class of 1975 call Coleen Collins at 208-773-9806.
North Central High School, Class of 1947 1997; call Doris at 325-0374 or Pat at 926-1476.
Riverside High School, all classes June 24; call Martha Hamp at 238-4446 or Mel Robar at 328-4747.
Lincoln High School (Seattle), all classes Feb. 11; Call Glori Schasteen at 206-822-2739.
West Valley High School, Class of 1965 Aug. 11-12; call Loretta (Noggles) Slemmer at 924-4939 or Ray Mitchell at 924-4166.
North Central High School, Class of 1945 June 24; call Phil Heine at 838-8002 or Shirley Tucker at 325-1415.
Aleutian Island Veterans Feb. 19-21 in Carmel, Calif.; April 23-25 in Bowling Green, Ky.; and May 10-13 in Dutch Harbor, Ark.; write: A.F. King, P.O. Box 130327, Sunrise, FL 33313.