Business Beat
Cheryl Swedo has been named manager of Andrew’s Hallmark in Shadle Center. Swedo previously managed the South Hill Starbuck’s outlet.
LeMaster & Daniels has added the following people to its staff:
Mark Kettner joined the firm as a staff accountant in the Health Care Department. Kettner received a B.A. in accounting from Eastern Washington University and was formerly employed in the audit and reimbursement department at Sacred Heart Medical Center.
Joanne Kent has joined the firm as a staff technician in the Tax Department. Kent attended Metropolitan Community College in Denver and was employed with ZBR, CPA’s as a paraprofessional.
Nurse practitioner Vicki Corrado has joined Dr. Dennis Twigg at Northside Psychiatric Associates. Corrado has 25 years of experience in psychiatric nursing. She received a bachelor of science in nursing from Arizona State University in 1969 and a master of nursing in psychosocial nursing in 1970 from the University of Washington.
Regina Lawrence, a coordinator at Clover Park Technical College, has been named the new Spokane Community College assistant dean of instruction for continuing education and apprenticeships. She will work closely with area union and trade leaders, helping to coordinate training for 21 different crafts, including sheet metal, carpentry, brick layers, plumbers/ pipefitters, electrical, iron workers, machinists and painters.
Dr. James Mullen has joined the staff of Planned Parenthood of Spokane and Whitman Counties. Mullen will begin providing basic health care services to women and men. Mullen will continue his association with 1st Care Medical Centers.
Frank Ide, a landscape architect and planner, has been named an associate of Taylor Engineering Inc. Ide joined the company seven years ago. His primary emphasis is in residential and commercial site design and recreational planning.
Sue Merk has been named chief information officer for Group Health Northwest. Merk, a pharmacist, joined the HMO in 1988 as pharmacy/operation systems director with 13 years of experience in hospital pharmacy operations and pharmacy claims processing with Electronic Data Interchange System.
Keith Alder has been promoted to assistant scout executive of the Boy Scouts of America. Alder, who has been a career Boy Scout official for 14-1/2 years, will continue to supervise the field staff in cooperation with senior district executives, will give leadership to the council registrar and field service secretary, and will provide direct support to the Scout executive.
Northwest Map Services of Spokane has begun publishing the greater Spokane wall map in addition to its spiral bound Spokane street atlas. The wall maps are custom printed on high quality plotter and will be updated constantly to guard against becoming outdated.
Jacoy’s Travel Emporium is offering clients a Worldwide Trip plan. The new electronic distribution guide will offer up-to-date information on restaurants, sightseeing attractions, music festivals, art exhibits, and other events worldwide.
Baldwin Johnson Commercial Real Estate Services has opened an office at W1636 First. Brad Baldwin and Russ Johnson are both licensed brokers in Washington, Idaho, and California and will specialize in commercial and industrial sales and leasing of land and buildings. Baldwin and Johnson, who have a combined 31 years of experience in commercial real estate, also will recruit companies from outside the region to relocate in Washington and Idaho.
Inland Northwest Bank has opened a branch in the Yokes Pac ‘n Save grocery store, E210 North Foothills Drive. Mindy Whitcher has been named manager of the new branch. Whitcher’s experience includes bank branch management with U.S. Bank of Idaho and personal banking service with Washington Trust Bank.
Gonzaga University’s registrar, Melanie Bell, has been elected president of the Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Bell has been in the admissions/registrar profession for 25 years and has served as registrar at Gonzaga since July 1992.
Hal Meenach of Valleyford has been elected chairman of the Washington Barley Commission. Meenach has been a board member since 1992 and also has served as the commission’s representative to the National Barley Foods Council. Other officers in the Commission include Frank Johnson of Asotin and Joe Schmick of Colfax.
Gonzaga University Academic Vice President Patrick Ford, S.J. has been selected to a three-year term as chairman of the Commission on Colleges of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. Ford has been a member of the commission since 1989. He is nationally recognized in the field of accreditation.
Larry Schrader, former dean of Washington State University’s College of Agriculture and Home Economics, has been elected chair-elect of the Section on Agriculture, Food, and Renewable Resources of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The Inland Northwest Sheet Metal Contractors Association will provide four $1,500 scholarships for the following association members to attend SMACNA’s Business Management University scheduled for Feb. 6-10 in Tempe, Ariz.:
Rick Schrader, Pro Heating Inc., Spokane; David Mull,III, Mull Tin Shop, Hermiston, Ore.; Khris Teal, Randolph Sheet Metal, Pasco; Kathie Martin, KC Sheet Metal, Pasco.
Tuesday, Thursday and Jan. 24 - Business Workshops sponsored by Idaho Small Business Development Center at North Idaho College, from 6:30 p.m. at North Idaho College Workforce Training Center, W525 Clearwater Loop, Post Falls. Tuesday: How To Do a Customer Satisfaction Study; Thursday: Selling One-On-One; Jan. 24: The Growth Phase. Cost is $25 per session.
Wednesday - The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) offers free business counseling to potential and existing small business owners/ operators in Idaho and Washington State at: Panhandle Area Council, 11100 Airport Drive, Hayden, Idaho, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., call (208) 772-0584; Key Bank, Plummer, Idaho, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., call (208) 686-1921.
Wednesday and Jan. 25 - Secrets of Successful Promotion offered by CCS Small Business Development Center, 6-9 p.m., Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute, N665 Riverpoint Blvd. Cost is $45; call 358-2050 for more information or to registrar.
Thursday - Taking Initiative On The Job: Be Part Of The Solution, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Institute for Extended Learning. Cost is $68; call 533-3222 for information or to register.
Thursday - Small Business Tax Seminar, offered by CCS Small Business Development Center, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute, N665 Riverpoint Blvd. Cost is $20; call 358-2050 for information or to register.
Thursday - Institute of Real Estate Management, Accredited Residential Management Committee buffet lunch and meeting, Shilo Inn, E923 Third, registration at 11:30 a.m. followed by lunch and meeting at noon. Cost is $8 if pre-registered by Monday, or $12 at the door. For more information and registration. call Bette Fears at 928-2139.
Thursday - The Inland Empire Chapter of the Data Processing Management Association will hold it’s January dinner meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Shilo Inn. Make reservations by Tuesday by calling 468-6704, or for additional information call 255-9317.
Friday - Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce presents the Business Connections Breakfast with guest speaker John Mitchell of U.S. Bancorp, at The Red Lion, N1100 Sullivan, from 7-8:30 a.m. Call 924-4994 to register or for additional information.
Friday - The Service Corps of Retired Executives sponsors a one-day workshop for people wanting to start or operate a business of their own from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Coeur d’Alene. To register, call 353-2820 or (208) 773-9807. Admission is $30, including lunch.
Jan. 23 - Pre-Business Workshop offered by CCS Small Business Development Center, 6-9 p.m., at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute, N665 Riverpoint Blvd. Cost is $20; call 358-2050 for more information or to register.
Jan. 23 and Jan. 25 - Writing For Your Career, 6-9 p.m., at the Spokane Falls Community College, Building 17, Rooms G and H. Cost is $59; Call 533-3222 for more information or to register.
Jan. 24 - The Service Corps of Retired Executives offers free business counseling to potential and existing small business owners/operators in Idaho and Washington State at: Lewis-Clark State College, SBDC at L-CSC Lewiston, 9 a.m.- noon, call (208) 799-2465; Moscow Chamber of Commerce, S411 Main, 9 a.m.-noon, call (208) 882-3581; Pullman Chamber of Commerce, N415 Grand, 9 a.m.-noon, call 686-1921; TRIDEC SBDC, N901 Colorado, 1-4 p.m., call 735-1000.
Jan. 24 - The state Department of Labor and Industries sponsors a free claims management workshop at N901 Monroe, #100, conference room 2, from 8:30 a.m30 p.m. Call Steve Brooks at 324-2580 for additional information.
Jan. 24-Jan. 26 - The Service Corps of Retired Executives and the Active Corps of Executives sponsor three workshops designed to enhance management planning. Workshop 1, Jan. 24: “Basics of Business Recordkeeping,” 8 a.m.; Workshop 2, Jan. 25: “Preparing A Successful Business Plan,” 8 a.m.; Workshop 3, Jan. 26: “Marketing Excellence,” 8 a.m. Each workshop will be held at Eastern Washington University Center, W705 First, rooms 208/209. Cost of each workshop is $30 per person, $50 for two, or $75 for all three and includes workbooks. Register before Jan. 23. Call 353-2820.
Jan. 26 - A joint meeting with CCIM, IREM, and BOMA will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. at the Shilo Inn, E923 Third. Guest speaker will be Michael Parks of Seattle, editor and publisher of the Marples Business Newsletter. Cost is $12 per person at the door. Call Camille Crum at 456-0550 by Jan. 24 to R.S.V.P.
Jan. 17-Jan. 19 - Agricultural Exposition & Farm Forum.
MEMO: Do you want to submit an item for “Business Beat?” Send a brief press release to: Bill Sallquist, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane WA, 99210-1615. Photos will be used, space permitting, with new staff additions, promotions and new businesses. Put names on backs of photos. If you want a photo back, write “WILL CALL” on the back and pick it up at the newspaper reference library. Allow three weeks for publication.