Legislative Log
HJR5 (Stoicheff) Proposes amendment to Constitution to limit increases in property tax valuations to 4 percent per year except when property is sold.
HB96 (Revenue and Taxation) Cuts property taxes by $40 million statewide by reducing school maintenance and operations taxes.
HB97 (Revenue and Taxation) Proposes revenue-sharing of 8 percent of state income tax revenue in equal parts to cities, counties and school districts with property tax reduction requirements.
SR102 (Beck) Eliminates need for committee consideration of Senate resolutions and memorials sponsored by individual senators.
SCR101 (Judiciary and Rules) Prohibits use of tape recordings as official transcripts of legislative committee meetings.
SCR103 (State Affairs) Calls for a conference of of states with Idaho participation.
SB1006 (Judiciary and Rules) Repeals prohibitions on motorists being cited for more than one violation stemming from the same incident.
SB1007 (Judiciary and Rules) Elminates the Judicial Council for judicial selections and gives the power to the governor, subject to Senate confirmation.
SB1008 (Judiciary and Rules) Modifies public document law to recognize optical imaging technology.
SB1009 (State Affairs) Creates a Constitutional Defense Council.