Body Found In Red Lake
An autopsy was planned today on an unidentified homicide victim who was found in Red Lake near Tum Tum, Wash., on Wednesday afternoon.
The Stevens County Sheriff’s Department released little information, but Spokane city and county officers said they were told the victim may be a black woman.
Several women have been reported missing in Spokane, but none are black. Stevens County has no reports of missing people.
Stevens County Undersheriff Gilbert Geer said there were no obvious wounds on the body. Regardless, Geer said foul play is suspected because of “the conditions we found the body in.”
He declined to elaborate.
The body, found by swimmers, had been in the small, deep lake “a while but not a real long time,” Geer said.
Spokane County Sheriff’s Lt. John Simmons said the victim’s skin could have appeared unnaturally dark if it spent several days in tepid water.
, DataTimes