Colville School Levy Narrowly Approved
FOR THE RECORD CORRECTION: The amount of the newly approved two-year, $584, 701-per-year Colville School District levy was wrong Saturday. Correction published on Tuesday, March 28, 1995.
A Colville School District operating-levy victory was confirmed Friday when absentee ballots were counted, but the approval margin slipped from 63.4 percent to 61.1.
A 60 percent majority was required for passage, and the measure was too close to call when regular ballots were counted after the March 14 election. With absentees, the final count was 2,023 to 1,289.
Approval of the two-year, $450,000-per-year levy will allow the school district to restore programs that were cut after voters twice rejected a levy proposal last year. State law allows only two levy votes in one year.