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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Am told by those authorities who wear neckties that the 3-inch tie will never go out of style.

Q. Does anybody know why women score higher than men on IQ tests?

A. Blood flow to the brain while thinking is higher in women than in men, studies indicate. Some researchers credit that.

The higher the altitude, the lower the cancer rate.

Shirley Maclaine says she was named after Shirley Temple. Sure enough. Didn’t think she was named before.

Payrolled Venezuelans at this writing earn the equivalent on average of $112 a month U.S.

Q. What makes some people think the Romans invented golf?

A. A game called “paganica” - played with a club and a feather-filled ball sewn of animal skin - was among their pastimes, according to the historical footnotes.

Our Language man continues to add to his collection of “companion words.” Those show up only with other words. For example, you rarely see “spic” without “span.” Or “shrift” without “short.” Or “akimbo” without “arms.”