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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

If you ordinarily fall asleep within seven minutes after you go to bed, you’re said to be typical.

Jupiter’s winds can blow 400 mph, and such storms there can last for centuries.

“OK” is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb and interjection. And still objectionable to many a seasoned schoolmarm.

Average U.S. motorcyclist is a married man 32 years 6 months old with some college education. That’s now. Fifteen years ago that average cyclist was only 27 years 6 months old.

Scissors in Istanbul have hollow blades.

Bruce Willis has not told me why he goes by his middle name instead of his first name, Walter. Doubt he will.

Q. What’s a “K-9 Land Mine Detection System”?

A. Army lingo for a human handler with a land-mine-sniffing dog. Both have to be pretty savvy to survive. Even as do all bomb squaders.

No on-screen kiss was shown in any Japanese film until after World War II.